File Upload Vulnerability
This article includes the concept of file upload vulnerablity, with its precaution and bypass. There may be more than one updates of this article since there are new methodologies about prevention and exploitation coming up.
1 Terminology
A file upload vulnerability refers to a security flaw present in an application or website that allows attackers to perform malicious actions by uploading malicious files. Such vulnerabilities typically occur in functionalities that require users to upload files, such as image uploads, document uploads, attachments, etc. Attackers can exploit this type of vulnerability by uploading files containing malicious code, scripts, or malware, and then executing these files to compromise the security of the system.
File upload vulnerabilities may lead to the following issues:
- Remote Code Execution: Attackers can upload files containing malicious code and then execute this code on the affected server to perform arbitrary operations, thereby gaining complete control over the server.
- File Overwrite: Attackers upload files with the same name as existing files, overwriting legitimate files. This may result in loss of functionality, data loss, or users being denied access to files they should be able to access.
- File Inclusion: Attackers upload files and attempt to include them in other parts of the application, causing the application to perform unexpected actions or disclose sensitive information.
- Server Denial of Service (DoS): Attackers may upload large files that deplete server resources, rendering the server unable to process other requests.
- Malicious File Propagation: Attackers can upload files containing malicious software, viruses, spyware, etc., using these files to spread malicious software.
2 Prevention of File Upload Vulnerabilities
2.1 Input Validation
Validate the type, size, and content of uploaded files to ensure that only allowed file types and sizes are accepted.
Here’s a Python example of an input validation strategy. The function takes a filename and attempts to retrieve the file’s extension. It returns a truth value when a .
is present in the filename and the lowercase extension is within ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS
In Python, you can use os.path.getsize()
to detect the size of a file.
2.2 Isolate Uploaded Files
Store uploaded files in a separate directory with restricted access to prevent execution of malicious files.
- Create a dedicated directory on the server for storing uploaded files, isolating it from other parts of the application.
- Ensure that uploaded files do not have execute permissions to prevent attackers from attempting to execute malicious executable files.
- Generate a unique filename for each uploaded file to avoid filename conflicts and overwriting.
Here’s a Django example of isolating uploaded files.
On Linux, you can use chmod
to remove the execute and read/write permissions of files in a directory.
2.3 Rename Files
Assign randomly generated names to uploaded files to prevent attackers from overwriting legitimate files or accessing webshells by predicting filenames.
As an example using Python’s random.choice()
, generate a random string.
2.4 Content Detection
Scan uploaded files to detect the presence of malicious code.
ClamAV is a commonly used open-source antivirus scanning engine used to detect malicious code and viruses. When dealing with executing external commands, handling processes, etc., using subprocess
is a common and recommended practice, as it provides a convenient interface for interacting with system processes, facilitating error handling, and ensuring a certain level of security.
Use the
function to start a new subprocess, executing specific external commands or programs. Communicate with subprocesses via channels such as standard input (stdin), standard output (stdout), and standard error (stderr).
3 File Upload Vulnerabilities Bypass
Certain conditions need to be met for a file upload vulnerability to be exploitable. The uploaded file must be interpreted and executed by the web container, and the directory where the file is uploaded must be within the web container’s covered path. Users must be able to access the uploaded file via the web; if they can’t, or if the web container can’t interpret scripts, the attack might fail.
There are generally two ways for server-side validation of file types:
- Directly reading the file extension.
- Parsing the file header information.
3.1 Using Directory Traversal
Construct a fuzzy directory traversal sequence to upload a file to the parent folder.
3.2 Modifying File MIME Type
Use Burp Suite to modify the Content-Type
field value. For example, change the MIME type of a file in a POST request body to Content-Type: image/jpeg
Common MIME types:
application/(programming language) (code in that language)
3.3 Bypassing with Inclusion
When a Web Application Firewall (WAF) only checks for a Trojan horse in specific file types (e.g., .php
or .jsp
), this method can be used.
- Upload a TXT file named
containing Trojan content. Due to the file type, the server-side won’t check it. - Upload a PHP file with content
<?php include(".shell.txt");?>
. Visiting this PHP file will reference the Trojan.
3.4 Using Aliases
- Change
. - Change
This can bypass less strict blacklist filtering.
3.5 Overriding .htaccess
is a configuration file for the Apache Web server. It allows site administrators to define rules and settings in the root or specific directories to control website behavior and access permissions. These rules can include redirects, authentication, access control, cache settings, etc.
directive assigns a handler to specific file extensions or types, enforcing a specific method of handling for matched files.SetHandler handler-name
directive associates a media type (MIME type) with specific file extensions, allowing browsers to correctly display or process files.AddType media-type extension
sets PHP engine configuration options. Setting the engine value tooff
can disable PHP parsing in the current directory and its subdirectories, potentially leading to source code exposure.php_flag engine 0
3.6 Using Obfuscated File Extensions
Concatenate multiple extensions:
.Append characters:
.Append a space:
.URL-encode the
.Null byte bypass:
.Null Byte
A null byte is used as a string terminator in some programming languages and operating systems, which could cause certain handling functions to incorrectly truncate strings, leading to security vulnerabilities. When an attacker inserts
into a filename, the server might mistakenly truncate the filename, causing the uploaded file type and location to differ from expectations, potentially bypassing certain security checks.Semicolon bypass:
.In some applications, semicolons might be used as separators between parameters or parameter values, such as in URL parameters or certain scripts. Attackers might attempt to insert semicolons in inputs to separate multiple parameters or values, disrupting the application’s parsing logic.
Use multi-byte Unicode characters.
Double-write bypass:
.In this payload,
might be filtered, leaving justshell.php